For our free sticker sheets, please send a SASE (self addressed STAMPED envelope) to 2648 Pacific Park Dr, Whittier, CA 90601. Use a regular enveloped sized 4 1/8″ x 9 1/2″. If the correct postage isn’t used then it won’t make it to us or back to you. Further instructions are below.
1.) Envelope #1: Write our address on front center, your return address on the top left, and place postage stamp(s) on the top right.
2.) Envelope #2: Write your address on front center, our return address on the top left, and place postage stamp(s) on the top right.
3.) Place envelop #2 inside envelope #1
4.) Send your sticker request to 180 Distribution. Allow up to 10-14 business days to receive your stickers
Follow the directions above or contact the distributor in your country