The guys have been going stir crazy just like the rest of the country this past year. With Covid and everything being shut down for some time now, we thought we’d get the guys on the road as soon as everything opened back up. This time of the year, we figure starting in SoCal and going straight to AZ for some R&R and some filming would be in the cards. Billy Perry flew out two days beforehand. He was excited to escape the NY winter and head straight into SoCal for our chilly 75º, blue sky weather. Since I didn’t go on the AZ portion of the trip, I had the guys for two days of shredding all around San Bernardino, CA. We got the guys (Trevor, Daniel, Billy, Jarren and JP) to ride just about everything, from rails, ditches, banks, and ledges. We just about got everything covered in that small amount of time. The next stop was Phoenix AZ to film some much-needed YouTube videos. Click the photos to go big or right-click to save them to your desktop for a wallpaper. Stay tuned… – B. Castillo

You never know what JP is going to do and when he’s gonna do it. He the silent killer of the group. We rolled up to this ledge and he quietly whispered to one of us that he’d ride it down.
Billy did this a bunch of times for us and to my surprise, he didn’t fuck up once. Usually, when someone does something over and over, there’s bound to be a screw-up. Not Billy!
This spot looks harder to ride than it is. Everyone was feeling the struggle then Daniel snuck this guy in.
Even though Billy wasn’t feeling this trick/ spot, I talked him into it for a photo. After he saw the final picture, he got into it.
Group photo during an intense game of BIKE